For my first 19 years as a teacher I was a committed lecturer and probably spent 60% of my class time doing whole group “teaching.” I honed my craft. I had some standard jokes. I spiced...
Jon had a great chance to visit with David Frangiosa on his podcast From Learning to Earning. Listen in as Jon talks about Mastery Learning.
Schools closed. Remote learning. Exhausted teachers. The pandemic has had a huge impact on schools around the world. Perhaps the biggest issue we face now and going forward is the impact of...
Jon had a chance to sit down and chat with Shyam Mair from Score Campus about the current state of education, and how Mastery Learning can help solve the problems exacerbated by the...
This is an edited excerpt from my application for Colorado Teacher of the Year (I was a semi-finalist in 2010). It explains much of what I do and believe in about education. Though I wrote...
We know how critical the dialogue between the teacher and the student is, and how easily communication can be a breakthrough or a breakdown in the success for the students. The relationship between...
Recently I have been talking with many people about how to best implement Flipped Learning, and one hurdle that keeps coming up is the issue of time. To flip your class, up-front time is...
I recently had a conversation with David Sternela, Training and Program Manager at Abbvie. We were talking about how too many corporate meetings turn into death by PowerPoint. David then...
One of the difficulties of moving to a true mastery system is the logistics of multiple versions of a test. How many different versions can you manage on a day to day basis? When Aaron...
When Aaron Sams and I first started flipping our classes in 2007, we made a lot of mistakes. If you are considering flipping your classroom this fall (or just flipping a few lessons), I want...
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