Recently I was contacted by Microsoft's Anthony Salcito about doing a follow up about my work with the flipped classroom. When he contacted me I had just come off of a twitter conversation with Kwame ...
Teaching is fundamentally about human interactions, and technology can't replace that.
I was once asked by a group of education policy makers if the flipped classroom would allow them to hire fewer t...
Students with limited technology is often cited as a reason why a teacher or school should not adopt the flipped classroom approach. Watch this short video which explains how to flip your class if you...
I fundamentally believe that people operate out of identity. They live their lives out of their deepest sense of self. I contrast identity with a list of âdoâsâ and âdon't'sâ. Trying to motivate kids ...
Grading papers and providing feedback to students is often a love-hate thing with teachers. Â On one hand, they realize that students need quality feedback and realize great value for students. Â On the...
Recently I have been helping a number of teachers move from a flipped classroom to the Flipped Mastery classroom. A mastery classroom is difficult to implement because students are not all learning th...
In the past few years, many teachers from around the world have started to use a new method called the flipped classroom. Â Some parents are curious, others skeptical, and a few hostile. Â If you are a ...
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